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  • Writer's pictureJaime W. Dovichi

Tried and True.. 2nd is a game changer

3’s company and 4’s a… party?  Or a circus!  For our busy little family, having a second baby has been game changer, in a good way of course!  Gracyn is now 5 1/2 and Brooklyn turns 2 today.  Gracyn is a rule follower and the big sister in charge.  When Gracyn was 1 1/2, we decided we would start trying for another baby.  After 2 years of trying and a DaVinci Surgery for endometriosis, we had baby #2. Brooklyn was a bit of a miracle and I’m gladly reminded of it everyday.  God had his plan, and I’m diggin’ it!  I’m so thankful now for the extra couple years we had with Gracyn.  Having a baby right away would have taken away from the priceless time we got to spend with Gracyn.  In my opinion, she was at a great age when we had Brook.  She was able to help out as well as help herself by getting dressed and doing things on her own.  I didn’t have 2 babies. Helped with the sanity.

I wondered all through my pregnancy how I could love a second baby as much as the first.  How do I divide my love? How will sharing time and attention work?  So typical of me to overthink everything and want to make sure everything is equal.  I’ve learned it’s just part of the Mom superpowers.

Thanks to my awesome OB I was induced a week early.  I am not a happy pregnant lady.  My family and friends can definitely attest to that!  After my experience with Gracyn’s birth and time in the NICU, I was ready for a good experience.  Because of my epidural fiasco last time, I had the head anesthesiologist working with me.  We went in on a Thursday night, thinking we would have a baby by Friday evening.  After being hooked up to monitors, I was already in labor.  Bonus! 

Daddy and Brooklyn

We didn’t tell anyone I was that far along.  Tim and I wanted to do this by ourselves.  I got a little sleep during the night and only had to throw ice chips a few times at Tim for snoring.  It was time for our second baby girl to arrive.  Everything went perfect.  And there was an amazing sense of calmness when we had her.  We got to hold her.  We got to take pictures of her.  It was just me, Tim and the baby.  She was our little secret for an hour or so.  I wouldn’t want it any other way.  It was the greatest.

Then, in true Jaime fashion, I designed a Red Stamp Announcement and emailed/texted it out for everyone to wake up to.  That was also pretty special.  Who wouldn’t want to wake up to that bit of news?  Her name was a surprise to everyone as it wasn’t in the top 2.  Tim wanted to have a name before she came.  I was well into my meds at that point and said he could name her whatever he wanted, thinking he would choose between the top 2.  Then he threw me a curve and he went with his original pick.  It was a good one.  She’s totally a Brook!

We got a few hours of sleep before our very special visitors started to arrive. And so the exhaustion began.  Brooklyn never got put down.  I slept with her in my arms the whole night, and she hasn’t left my side since.

Brooklyn is so different from Gracyn.  She keeps us on our toes, literally.  We can’t sit down, she’s too fast.  I say baby #2 is a game changer only because working full-time and coaching volleyball in the fall and Tim coaching baseball in the spring, our lives can be a little hectic.  Gracyn was always so easy to pack up and head to the gym or ballpark.  Packing up 2 kids is a lot different.  And we went to the ballpark and gym a little less this year.

I am right where I want to be.  I am loving my life, my girls and family.  I look at how everything works out in the end.  God has his plan. Everything happens when the time is right.   I am incredibly grateful for what I have and most of all, I am so thankful to have my mom share all the special moments with me.  She doesn’t have to miss a minute, and I’m glad I can do that for her, because we sure appreciate what she does for us.  Brooklyn has changed her name from MawMaw to Mya.  Not sure how that happened, but Mya, thanks for riding the wave with us.

Happy Birthday Brooklyn Walton Dovichi!

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