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  • Writer's pictureJaime W. Dovichi

Tried and True.. A Reveal

The Gender Reveal..

I love the trending reveals of a baby’s gender.  One random night in March, I received a text from my brother-in-laws wife, Lindsey.  She asked me to take some gender reveal pictures and in turn could be the Grandmother’s Mother’s Day gifts.  Of course I would.  Then the event turned incredibly exciting for me.  The bomb was that Todd and Lindsey won’t know the gender  either!  They went to their appointment on a Monday, and had the results concealed.  There was something so incredibly exciting to know that Gracyn and I were the only ones to know the sex of the baby.  I felt so honored to be a part of this reveal.

Gracyn and I were not-so-patiently waiting for them to arrive. We swept the area where we would have our photoshoot, and hung our simple decorations.  I then let Gracyn know she had a very important job of videographer.  I will be taking pictures with my camera, Mawmaw will be taking the continuous pictures with her iPhone and  G will be recording the event! She was very excited about her job.

The Dovichi’s arrived, and they gave us ‘the envelope’!  They went in and got dressed while Gracyn and I blew up the balloons for the surprise.  Gracyn couldn’t stop talking about the baby’s gender.  I then panicked a little, as I didn’t know if she could really keep our secret for 10 more minutes.  “No, you can not go in the house!”  I had zero trust that she was going to keep that news to herself!

I really hadn’t planned for the video to be a big part, but after I watched her 5 year old skills, I was surprised and got the idea to do an iMovie.  I haven’t ever attempted an iVideo, so I jumped in quick.  I found it so easy to do.  I have probably added a new way to display my photoshoots now.  I uploaded the file to YouTube, and we will now reveal the gender to the world, when Lindsey is ready..

So, after a sleepless night before the shoot, I am very happy with the outcome.  I didn’t even need the backup pictures that my mom was in charge of.   We got the pictures in one take, even though I was prepared with fishing line on the balloons just in case we needed to reenact the reveal.

Congratulations Todd and Lindsey!  And thank you for including us in your amazing surprise!

Here is the link to the YouTube video:–31k

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