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  • Writer's pictureJaime W. Dovichi

Tried and True.. Thank you for being a part of my journey

I thank you for your part in my journey.

A loaded statement if you ponder it.  First, thanks to @happihabits and @projecthappiness_org for the instagram post.  It has definitely made me think this week.

I want to thank all the great parents out there, including mine.   Your unconditional love and support have made us who we are today.  I would also like to thank all the selfish parents who put themselves first, and leave their kids out to dry.  I learn a lot from the good parents, but I learn more from the parents making poor decisions.  You chose parenthood, and good for you, now put your kids first and help them be the best they can be.

Next, thanks to anyone who coached me and made me a stronger player.  Not only did I grow as an athlete, but playing at a competitive level forces you to grow as a person.  I have a little bit of all my coaches in me as I coach.  Thinking back to my first day on the court, coaching at Clay HS in Toledo.  I wanted to yell/coach, but I was standing there and nothing was coming out of my mouth.  I was frozen.  I think Shelli recognized this, and started coaching the kids, and I eventually snapped out of it.  I was then on my way.  That was 17 years ago.  I spent a few years at Northview and a few at Springfield.  Ironic that I write about Springfield on this day, 9/11.  I sat on the gym floor with my JV team, talking about what happened.  Their school was on lockdown because it was so close to the airport.  I, like most that day, didn’t have any answers.  I was just as scared as they were.  That day, I found myself a lot closer to my girls, and I thank them for making me realize how important it is to not just show up and coach, but to actually care and relate to them as people.

Now I thank an ex-boyfriend who cheated on me.  If he wouldn’t have, my mom wouldn’t have shown up that day and packed all my things while I was at work.  My friend wouldn’t have let me stay with her and her family where I met another friend got me an interview for the job I’ve been at for the last 10 years.  If I wouldn’t have gotten the job, I wouldn’t have gotten my self-worth back and I wouldn’t have met my husband and baby daddy.  I obviously didn’t know it at the time, but being cheated on was the best thing to happen to me.

Last, I thank everyone who passed on our house over the past 3 years.  If we would have sold at a different time, we wouldn’t have this house.  Although it has it’s challenges, it’s perfect in my eyes.  We wouldn’t have been welcomed by great neighbors, and the girls wouldn’t have their friends.

This crazy world has a plan for us.  That road that you thought you needed to be on, took a quick right turn, and at the time, you had no idea why.   Once you learn and accept the crazy waves, you too will lift your oars and let things happen.  I’m thankful for everyone in my life, positive… or not.  I have learned from you and I am a better person, mom and wife because of you.

Who would you like to thank?

Thank you to these five for your part in MY journey.

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